Sept 2024: Study led by Dr. Trisha Pasricha on mucosal damage increasing risk of developing Parkinson's Disease published in JAMA Network Open. You can access the paper here
Feb 2024: We welcome two new group members - Dr. Philippa Seika for a year-long postdoctoral fellowship funded by the DFG, and Dr. Trisha Pasricha as an Assistant Professor in Medicine to take forth a new direction on translational research in neurodegenerative disorders.
August 2023: Our huge study detailing the discovery of mesodermal-derivation of enteric neurons, and their role in maturation and aging of the ENS is now published at eLife
August 2023: Our brief communication on identifying Gephyrin, a protein expressed by the Enteric Nervous System, as a novel auto-antigen in Scleroderma is now online.
February 2023: Our review on the risk factors, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of gastrointestinal dysmotility in patients suffering from Systemic Sclerosis is now online. Click here for the pdf version.
November 2022: Our preprint on using simple immunohistochemical methods to observe adult enteric neurogenesis is now online.
August 2021: Our paper on COUNTEN is published in eNeuro. First of our lab!
July 2021: The K-Lab is now funded by a pilot and feasibility grant from the Diacomp initiative, to use artificial intelligence methods and tools to understand pathological changes in gastric tissues of diabetic patients.
July 2021: Our first invited review on "Neurodegenerative disorders and gut-brain interactions" (J Clin Invest. 2021;131(13):e143775. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI143775.) is now published in Journal of Clinical Investigation!
Click here for the pdf version.
January 2021: The K-Lab is now funded through an R01 grant from the National Institute of Aging!
Our pre-print on COUNTEN - the first computer vision-driven software to accurately and rapidly count enteric neurons is up!
Find our latest review on Neuron- Mucosal Innate Immune Crosstalk in gut at
Neuro-innate immune interactions in gut mucosal immunity - ScienceDirect
Our pre-print on novel mesoderm-derived neurons in the adult Enteric Nervous System is up!!
Find it at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.08.25.262832v1
August 17th 2019: Come to our talk on Adult Enteric Neurogenesis at ANMS 2019 in the windy city Chicago
November 3 - 7th 2018: Catch us at SfN2018 at the mini-symposium on Recent Advances in Enteric Neurobiology
Our review on the SfN2018 mini-symposium is up!